Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bring back Storytelling


So I am big fan of the show Madmen. Don Draper, the Creative Director (in my opinion he is more of a strategist) is great at understanding human behaviour in the context of a product, he creates stories that not only persuades the consumer but also solves the business problem. The carousel is a brilliant example of how story telling works. There is absolutely nothing new about it, this has been the foundation of the advertising industry since the dawn of time but has been forgotten. There has been lots of talk but little walk. Once upon a time marketers believed that agencies could deliver these stories, and that is why agencies were valuable, now marketers know that they can do a better job and have started to use agencies as production houses. As Cindy Gallop, ex-chairman BBH puts it, we have to bring back the storytelling aspect of our jobs back, only then we can add really value and restore our long lost glory. For now, most of us just delivering ad ideas and not ideas, we need to go back and create ideas that are rooted in narratives.
Picture courtesy: Old School Hooligans

Posted via email from Digital Nomad

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