Monday, April 18, 2011

Y U No Do shit?


I have been contemplating to write this post for a few months and today I finally found the courage to put it down. I have a bone to pick with the 'thought leaders' of the marketing industry, people who are big on twitter, have popular blogs, offer unsolicited marketing advice on a daily basis, speak at me-me-me conferences and have written a book or two on marketing - you know who you are. Here is my question, how many of you have actually put your own words to test? Have you made anything? Done something spectacular? Solved an actual marketing problem? And have case studies to prove? My guess is fewer than 10%. There is more talk and less do. How about not tweet for a week and leave all the other narcissistic tools and do some thing? be an actual practitioner?! I think that would really benefit you and the rest of us. If you need help finding examples look up Einstein or Gandhi or the Old Spice Guy. Yeah. I'm done.

Posted via email from Digital Nomad

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